1. Turn off / Disable Indexing Services
Indexing Services is a small program but using a fairly large computer memory. Sometimes it can disturb the computer becomes more noise or sound in the hard disk access. Indexing Services is a function to update the list of computer files, aim to speed up PC performance with a system of registration index file. If you do not require search for files too often, the Indexing Service can be disabled with:
Go to Start
Click the Settings tab
Click Control Panel
Double-click Add / Remove Programs
Click the Add / Remove Window Components
Uncheck the Indexing services
Click Next
2. Optimise Display Settings by lowering the level of image
Windows with a cool desktop look really attractive. But too many pictures will memaka source system resource. To turn off:
Go to Start
Click Settings
Click Control Panel
Click System
Click the Advanced tabs
In the Performance tab click Settings
Leave only ticked the Following:
Show shadows under menus
Show shadows under mouse pointer
Show translucent the rectangle selection
Use drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop
Use visual styles on windows and buttons
3. Speedup Folder Browsing or speed up the folder browser
Every time you open a folder browser, it looks a little lag or delay. Karen Windows XP just will search for network files and printers while open Windows Explorer. To improve your can turn off the facility to:
Open My Computer
Click on the Tools menu
Click on Folder Options
Click on the View tab.
Uncheck the Automatically search for network folders and printers check box
Click Apply
Click Ok
Reboot your computer
4. Fix the system memory
Cacheman or cache manager software can help improve the management of memory as disk cache settings and a number of settings for the computer.
Go to Show Wizard and select All
Run all the wizards by selecting Next or Finished Until you are back to the main menu. Use the defaults unless you know exactly what you are doing
Exit and Save Cacheman
Restart Windows
5. Optimise your internet connection
Use the software http://www.speedguide.net/files/TCPOptimizer.exe / TCP / IP Optimizer. Install the program, and select the setting speed Internet connection such as a modem or broadband in a number of KBps. Click the network interface adapters and select the connection, and then optimize the settings automatically for TCPoptimizer. Do not forget to restart your computer
Download and Install
Click the General Settings tab and select your Connection Speed (Kbps)
Click Network Adapter and choose the interface you use to connect to the Internet
Check Optimal Settings then Apply
6. Run Bootvis - Improve Boot Times
This software helps some settings in Windows. You just download and try to do the trace, the program will try several times to complete the settings and reboot lakuka. Below is a description for Bootvis software and its usage:
Download and Run
Select Trace
Select Next Boot and Drivers Trace
A screen will of repetitions Appear Trace, select Ok and Reboot the
Upon reboot, Bootvis will from automatically start, analyze and log your system's boot process. When it's done, in the menu go to Trace and select Optimize System
When your machine has rebooted wait Until you see the Optimizing System box Appear. Be patient and wait for the process to complete
7. Remove the Desktop Picture / dispose the image on your desktop
The back of the Windows desktop is generally provided as background images. Should not be used because it will slow down the computer operating system.
Right click on Desktop and select Properties
Select the Desktop tab
In the Background window select None
Click Ok
8.Remove Fonts for Speed, remove unnecessary fonts
When you need the font on the computer, this method should not be used. But if you do not need the fonts, try and check if the computer has too many fonts. Because some programs that use the fonts will make loading the font is very big. You can backup the file name of the font you while not in use. Then you remove the font files that do not need to:
Open the Control Panel
Open Fonts folder
Move fonts you do not need to a temporary directory (eg C: \ FONTBKUP?) Just in case you need or want to bring back A Few of Them. The more fonts you uninstall, the more system resources you will of gains.
This information was excerpted from the Internet Connect UK
see the indonesian version : indonesian
Indexing Services is a small program but using a fairly large computer memory. Sometimes it can disturb the computer becomes more noise or sound in the hard disk access. Indexing Services is a function to update the list of computer files, aim to speed up PC performance with a system of registration index file. If you do not require search for files too often, the Indexing Service can be disabled with:
Go to Start
Click the Settings tab
Click Control Panel
Double-click Add / Remove Programs
Click the Add / Remove Window Components
Uncheck the Indexing services
Click Next
2. Optimise Display Settings by lowering the level of image
Windows with a cool desktop look really attractive. But too many pictures will memaka source system resource. To turn off:
Go to Start
Click Settings
Click Control Panel
Click System
Click the Advanced tabs
In the Performance tab click Settings
Leave only ticked the Following:
Show shadows under menus
Show shadows under mouse pointer
Show translucent the rectangle selection
Use drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop
Use visual styles on windows and buttons
3. Speedup Folder Browsing or speed up the folder browser
Every time you open a folder browser, it looks a little lag or delay. Karen Windows XP just will search for network files and printers while open Windows Explorer. To improve your can turn off the facility to:
Open My Computer
Click on the Tools menu
Click on Folder Options
Click on the View tab.
Uncheck the Automatically search for network folders and printers check box
Click Apply
Click Ok
Reboot your computer
4. Fix the system memory
Cacheman or cache manager software can help improve the management of memory as disk cache settings and a number of settings for the computer.
Go to Show Wizard and select All
Run all the wizards by selecting Next or Finished Until you are back to the main menu. Use the defaults unless you know exactly what you are doing
Exit and Save Cacheman
Restart Windows
5. Optimise your internet connection
Use the software http://www.speedguide.net/files/TCPOptimizer.exe / TCP / IP Optimizer. Install the program, and select the setting speed Internet connection such as a modem or broadband in a number of KBps. Click the network interface adapters and select the connection, and then optimize the settings automatically for TCPoptimizer. Do not forget to restart your computer
Download and Install
Click the General Settings tab and select your Connection Speed (Kbps)
Click Network Adapter and choose the interface you use to connect to the Internet
Check Optimal Settings then Apply
6. Run Bootvis - Improve Boot Times
This software helps some settings in Windows. You just download and try to do the trace, the program will try several times to complete the settings and reboot lakuka. Below is a description for Bootvis software and its usage:
Download and Run
Select Trace
Select Next Boot and Drivers Trace
A screen will of repetitions Appear Trace, select Ok and Reboot the
Upon reboot, Bootvis will from automatically start, analyze and log your system's boot process. When it's done, in the menu go to Trace and select Optimize System
When your machine has rebooted wait Until you see the Optimizing System box Appear. Be patient and wait for the process to complete
7. Remove the Desktop Picture / dispose the image on your desktop
The back of the Windows desktop is generally provided as background images. Should not be used because it will slow down the computer operating system.
Right click on Desktop and select Properties
Select the Desktop tab
In the Background window select None
Click Ok
8.Remove Fonts for Speed, remove unnecessary fonts
When you need the font on the computer, this method should not be used. But if you do not need the fonts, try and check if the computer has too many fonts. Because some programs that use the fonts will make loading the font is very big. You can backup the file name of the font you while not in use. Then you remove the font files that do not need to:
Open the Control Panel
Open Fonts folder
Move fonts you do not need to a temporary directory (eg C: \ FONTBKUP?) Just in case you need or want to bring back A Few of Them. The more fonts you uninstall, the more system resources you will of gains.
This information was excerpted from the Internet Connect UK
see the indonesian version : indonesian
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